Strain improvement is an advanced biotechnological strategy to improve the yield of metabolic products that are beneficial to humanity. In addition, improvement of microbial strains has been the hallmark of all commercial fermentation processes, as it offers the greatest opportunity for cost reduction without significant capital outlay.
Strain Improvement Services
Strain improvement is an important tool for improving the productivity of bioprocesses. Successful development of improved strains requires an understanding of physiology, pathway regulation and control, and the design of creative screening procedures. In addition, knowledge of the fermentation process of each new strain is required, as well as sound engineering knowledge of media optimization and fine-tuning of process conditions. Benefited from more than ten years of experience and advanced equipment, Alfa Chemistry can offer the following strain improvement services:
- Mutation occurs spontaneously or after induction with mutagenic agents (mutagens). This can cause new genes to be formed or can change the activity of existing genes.
- Selection of high-yielding mutants involves screening a population of microorganisms for variants that produce more product than the parental strain.
- Selection is the process of choosing cells or organisms that have certain desirable traits and then breeding them together.
- Selection can be done naturally or artificially.
Genetic recombination
- Genetic recombination refers to the rearrangement of DNA sequences by the breakage and rejoining of chromosomes or chromosome segments.
- Genetic recombination in strain improvement can increase the product yield with subsequent cost reduction. It also can reduce the undesirable products and elucidate the complex biosynthetic pathways.
Overexpression Service
- Overexpression is excessive expression of a gene (as that caused by increasing the frequency of transcription).
- Alfa Chemistry offers custom one stop strain overexpression service involving gene synthesis, vector construction, transformation, strain screening and verification.
- In addition, we can offer multiple gene expression clone collections (cDNAs and ORFs).
Service Process
- Quotation—Submit a request for quotation.
- Contact—A technical manager will contact you within 24 hours.
- Placing an order—You will review and approve the final price and place an order.
- Payment—Confirm with you and make the payment.
- Samples and forms—Instruct you to ship your samples and form.
- Results and post-services—Send results according to the specific service items and make a perfect post-services.

Our products and services are for research use only.